Happy'24! Praying for grace with the Todi family
Todi balances being somber and mighty. Heart-wringin yet peaceful and, according to this 16th century painting of Ragini singing todi, able to draw deer unafraid.

I lost my best captive audience last week; booboo, pic here. We lost a small part of us. Many lost a companion to a meaningful experience — a first encounter with an Animal. Something the painter showed us ethereally over 400 years ago. Jog and Todi have brought emotions to rest and helped bring peace. Some venting space, too.
“From ecstasy to frolic to pathos to bathos to melancholy – every conceivable human emotion has refracted through the Todi prism.” - R. Parrikar
As Wittgenstein exclaimed, miffed presumably, “What can one say about art”?
“I’m glad he forces him off the first vilambit to get to the drut - man kay panchi baavre मन के पंछी बावरे ”, observes a fan. I concur. Ustad Amir Khan singing Todi.
Here’s wishing you all a great new year.
May you conquer all your demons, in seeking her divine grace, Mata Bhavani. Pt Bhimsenji’s almost scriptural rendition of Tansen’s composition.
For a deeper dive in Todi, please check out Dr Ashwini Bhide Deshpande Tai’s Batiyan Dauravat series, which has been highly educational. Her interpretation of Todi is memorable.
BONUS: End of the year extras!
And on to happier notes
I said we’d claw our way back to Brindavani Sarang. As a special holiday gift, I curated a playlist of the best performances in the Saarang family. Please save it ⭐️ it, or join the playlist to collaborate and add what you consider must-listen. 24 performances and growing. [Members Exclusive]
Exclusive preview of Ban Ban Dhoondan - an original our group is performing in Danville on Feb 10th. Link to tickets inside.
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Afternoon to late-afternoon melodies hand picked by me during our recent India trip. Thanks to the original uploaders for making this music available.
Playlist here: [Youtube Playlist: Raag Brindavani Saarang]
Exclusive: Preview of the original Ban Ban Dhoondan from the upcoming play Akbar Birbal.
Singer: Manasa Gadepalli
Oud: Jeff Swatt
I cannot wait to hear this live on Feb 10th in Danville.
Get your tickets while they’re still available.
Boo-Boo (2020-2023): I’ll miss your love, company, and calmness during practice every morning!